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"The Guardians of the Visitation's reason for existence as an association of lay members is to make themselves apostles, by life and by word, of the “Charism" of the Blessed Mary’s Visitation to St. Elizabeth and living in the Magnificat’s spirit as true children of God who sing, in true freedom, a pure praise to the one who has been working unceasingly to mankind’s good. A special bond links together the Association of the Guardians of the Visitation to the Sisters Servants of the Visitation. It is the same bond of the Holy Spirit that:  


  • Made extraordinarily fertile the Virgin Mary; 

  • Filled with prophecy Elizabeth making her able to recognize  her kinswoman as the Mother of the Lord; saying with a loud cry, “ Blessed is she who believed “; 

  • Made the precursor of Christ leaping for joy: John the Baptist who was still kept in Elizabeth’s “even barren“ womb. He leaped because of the presence of Christ, the only Savior;

  • It is moving and animating “today” the Institute of the Servants in the Charism of the Visitation to the imitation of  Mary  

  • The servants of God and of her brothers; 

  • Docile and attentive to the signs of the Lord in the big human family; 

  • Quick to completely fulfilling the will of the Lord which is the achievement of His Kingdom."*


Guardians of the Visitation was established on February 21, 2019, in the United States. Our wish is to work together in unity to further the establishment and enhancement of the SSV Mission Aid in Bato and the Ain Karim Children's Home in Borongan, Eastern Samar, Philippines, and expand our support to SSV Mission Ol Moran, Kenya in 2022. We hope to "guard" against financial and natural setbacks, such as non-recurring expenses and typhoon, that may threaten the sustainability of these mission homes.  Through our fundraising efforts we seek to improve the programs and facilities for the children and the programs for the families of the larger Borongan community. The Guardians of the Visitation act upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to support the Sisters Servants of the Visitation apostolates through prayer with a special devotion to, "The same song of the Blessed Virgin, the Magnificat, in their daily prayer, will therefore unite all members of the Association to their specific "Charism" on the wave of the Holy Spirit."**


We aspire to share and live the beautiful charism of the Sister Servants of the Visitation, founded in the Joy of the Second Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary, The Visitation, with our home communities in the United States. We act as humble servants to the Sisters Servants of the Visitation religious congregation following their example of "quick and attentive service of charity".**


In our daily lives, we seek: 


  • To have love and respect for the human person from conception until natural death;

  • To be sensitive to other people's material and spiritual needs including their anxieties, fears and misery, joys and sorrows, as well as their awful loneliness;

  • To work in joyful and humble service to brothers and sisters;

  • To cling to a never deceiving HOPE;

  • To be happy for the Lord dwells in the midst of the entangled history of humanity;

  • To be certain the Lord keeps His covenant with mankind forever.


"In Mary's Visitation, both yesterday and today, we can see the strength and overwhelming joy for Salvation made present in the world:  Jesus, the savior of man, the only One who illuminates the darkness of this world, the only One that leads to the Father, the true life that knows no end to which the wandering mankind is eager with all his being."*** 


* Directory of the Association of the Guardians of the Visitation No.7

** Directory of the Association of the Guardians of the Visitation No. 8

***Introduction to the Statutes and Directory of the Guardians of the Visitation Lay Association, Borongan, Philippines.

Mary's Hymn of Praise for  the Lord  ~Luke 1:46-55)
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My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant.


From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name.


He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation.

He has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. 

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of His servant Israel, for He has remembered His promise of mercy, the promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and His children for ever.


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.




Guardians of the Visitation is a charitable organization dedicated in prayer and service to extending spiritual, financial, and material support to the congregation of religious women Sisters Servants of the Visitation as they seek to bring the Joy of the Visitation and the Smile of God to forgotten areas of our world.  We walk with the SSV Congregation through our prayerful devotion to  Our Mother of the Visitation Mary, the most Holy Mother, and our charitable works in our communities following Mother Mary's model of humble accompaniment to the poor.








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