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The Guardians of the Visitation

The Guardians of the Visitation in the United States is a newly formed association of lay missioners who seek to live and spread the charism of the Congregation of the Sister Servants of the Visitation Foundation Incorporated.   Our mission is linked in affiliation to the Guardians of the Visitation in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, Philippines from whom we derive the guidelines and statutes of our organization until a local apostolate may be formed through a diocese in the United States.


The Guardians of the Visitation in Borongan City was organized in August 1993 as an affiliate of the public association of believers in the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Guardians of the Visitation approved by the Apostolic See Bishop of Porto S. Rufina, Rome, Italy under the Decree 6503/88 Diego Bona on the Feast of the Visitation, May 31, 1988.


The establishment of the Sister Servants of the Visitation in the city of Borongan in 1988 was considered to be a great blessing because of SSV 's noble mission of uplifting the health, spiritual and economic life of poor and disadvantaged people as an expression of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth.  SSV religious community chose  Borongan to carry out their noble mission of spreading the Joy of Salvation and bringing the SMILE of Jesus to forgotten corners of the world.


Sister Noemi Minicucci, local Superior, was known as a shining model of the Spirit of Mary's visitation to her cousin Elizabeth.  Through her inspiring dialogues with the lay volunteers and the extraordinary love and care she manifested for the poor, sick, and abandoned children she inspired local women to carry out activities expressing the spirit of joy manifest in the second mystery of the Holy Rosary.  Sister Noemi together with Sr. Violeta Afable presented the idea of forming a local group of the Guardians of the Visitation to Dr. Teresita Caharop.  Dr. Caharop took up the project and began to share with others the project of forming a new lay association.  In one month's time, an association of twelve pioneer members was formed. The founding members were Leonora A. Dala, Rose C. Marasigan, Luzanta A. Apeado, Teresita B. Caharop, Arsenia C. Celada, Leonor T. Obon, Leticia R. Ladera, Cristina A. Mendoza, Josephina P. Alvor, Clarita A. Cabil, Nenita S. Villero, and Lilia Coles.  All pioneer members, with the exception of Luzanta A. Apelado, were members of the faculty of Eastern Samar State University.  


Inspired by the foundress Mother Vincenza Minet and the experience of the Guardians of the Visitation in Italy, the local Guardians in Bato, Borongan, Eastern Samar, Philippines pursue programs to actualize the spirit of the Visitation.   They continue to seek to radiate joy and help promote the spiritual, physical, and economic lives of the poor and disadvantaged people through scholarship programs, tutoring, livelihood training, and spiritual and corporal works of mercy in coordination with the SSV Sisters.  





Guardians of the Visitation is a charitable organization dedicated in prayer and service to extending spiritual, financial, and material support to the congregation of religious women Sisters Servants of the Visitation as they seek to bring the Joy of the Visitation and the Smile of God to forgotten areas of our world.  We walk with the SSV Congregation through our prayerful devotion to  Our Mother of the Visitation Mary, the most Holy Mother, and our charitable works in our communities following Mother Mary's model of humble accompaniment to the poor.








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