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  • Cathy

WALL OF HOPE: Mission Plans for 2023

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

When I arrive in January 2023, it will be three years since my last mission trip to the Philippines. The Guardians of the Visitation, as missioners, always are moving forward, regardless of how difficult the path of the past three years and how long the absence from our dear friends in Borongan, Mission Aid Bato, and our dear Ain Karim. We have accompanied the mission through the pandemic from afar and now the planning can begin to be with our mission friends in person next year. God is good! Magnificat!

Not knowing what Sr. Rubi will require of us while on mission six months in the future, I have been thinking often of the "wall"! The mural the SSV Sisters with the kids and youth painted in the winter of 2019 at Riverside has taken a beating from the sun and sea. It seems to be fading. I am daydreaming perhaps a new design for the wall will be one of our projects! I think after the pandemic a repainting of the wall will uplift the community and neighbors of Riverside. My highly skilled and enthusiastic workforce will be much taller, many having grown to teens during these past three years. Perhaps one of them will create a new design to bring beauty and give inspiration and joy: the "Smile of God"! Until then, I will have to press play... as a reminder of how much fun we had, and the work the children accomplished during the '19 mission. It always makes ME smile. :-)

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