The Sisters Servants of the Visitation recently made a trip to the northerner area of Eastern Samar for gift giving to a barrio of Oras. Sr. Rubi asked Felisa to accompany the Sisters to help in the distribution of aid and to have the opportunity to reunite with her family for a visit. Felisa has lived with the Sisters at Ain Karim Children's Home since the age of . She gifted us with a message she wrote of her experience of seeing her grandparents after a long separation. Salamat po, Felisa!
I am Felisa Mengullo Jardio, I am 12 years old and a grade seven student who is living with the Sisters in the Sisters Servants of the Visitation- Borongan. I just want to share with you my experience during my visitation to my family in Oras, Eastern Samar. Specifically, to my Grandma (Inay Elena) and Grandpa (Itay Felix). April 2019, was my last visit with them due to this horrible pandemic (COVID-19). I was not able to visit them all last year. So yesterday, March 20, 2021, was my big opportunity to go see and visit my family who for it was almost two years that I did not see them and communicate with them. When I saw my cousins (Jamaica, Carolyn, Ate Beverly, and Kuya Kim) and many more, I feel that they really missed me so much, they even hugged me very tight. When I went to our house I saw my Inay and Itay. I ask them a blessing by their hands. Since, my Grandpa cannot see me because he is blind, he just hugged me. After that Sister Rubi and the other Sisters gave some clothing for the newborn babies and they also gave relief goods to the poor who are most needy. While the Sisters were giving the clothes and goods, our small and cute house almost collapse because there are many children who enter to ask the clothes. When Sr. Rubi gave a pair of slippers to my grandpa he just hold it until we went home because he was afraid that someone else might get the slippers. I really enjoyed yesterday-spending time with my family.